
INARI-kun Part 1: Demon x INARI-kun war begins!

Momotaro Legend x INARI-kun
I am Momotaro.

Hello, everyone!
This isINARI-kun .
Speaking of Okayama! Yes, 
it's Momotaro !!
So, this time
 I'm not going to talk about Momotaro, but about 
Ura (Ura, the demon)!
But what is Ura!?

Who is he?

For those of you who are wondering, I'll give you a little introduction to Ura, who appears in the Momotaro legend

. According to one theory, Ura originally flew from Baekje on the Korean peninsula, arrived in Kibi, and was the leader of a great force that ruled the area. There is also a legend that says this, but I'll talk about that later!

First of all, Ura's characteristics are as follows:
  1. His hair is fiery red
  2. His eyes are as sharp as a tiger's.
  3. The height is 1 jo 4 shaku (about 4.2 meters)

But, this is
not the time to analyze it calmly. He

also had superhuman strength , so no matter how you look at it, he was a demon . It's so much like the image of a demon that it's hard to find any other word to describe him. This demon also built a base in the mountains called Oni Castle ,

  1. They committed crimes such as plundering tributes sent to the capital and women and children.
  2. The people of Kibi went to the Yamato court to complain about their plight.
  3. The emperor at the time, Emperor Sujin, sent troops.

So a punitive force was sent out.

However, Ura was skilled in handling soldiers and also had the ability to transform , so he fought back and defeated the punitive force.

The punitive force retreated before Ura, but the Emperor decided to send Kibitsuhiko , a warrior of the imperial family, to defeat Ura. This warrior is said to have been the model for

the later Momotaro

. So what kind of battle will unfold between Ura and Kibitsuhiko ? To be continued next time!